Our life is grounded and rooted in prayer from which springs the blossom of many works.

Underlying our spirituality is an approach inherited from our English roots, with its love of Holy Scripture and an emphasis on the “recollection” of Christ’s presence within the Gospel, the Church and in the world – rather than any particular system of private prayers.

Our life is rooted in

• daily Mass in the Priory Chapel

• faithful communal recitation of the six-fold Divine Office throughout the day

• at least one and a half hours of private prayer and spiritual reading each day at times chosen by each sister

• the Sacrament of Reconciliation on a regular basis

• occasions for Eucharistic Adoration in Chapel

• entering the liturgical cycle of the Church year and being nourished by these liturgical observances

• times during the day and places in the Priory for silence which supports our contemplative attitude

• and opportunities for retreats and ongoing formation