The spirit of the All Saints Sisters is in essence a spirit of prayer, expressed through what became known as a “mixed life” combining a contemplative prayer life and an active apostolic life in service to the poor. This life of prayer which inspires all we think, say and do is fostered by the daily Eucharist, our times of personal prayer, and the communal recitation of the Divine Office. (Constitutions, Article 8)
The silence in our community houses helps us to maintain the awareness of His presence and provides an invisible enclosure where our life is deeply blessed. It enables us to ponder the things of God as we go about our daily work and enter into Him who as already entered into us.
Our life of prayer benefits from silence and recollection, especially that interior silence which implies a patient waiting on the Holy Spirit and a continual presence to our loving God.
Prayer is the heart of the contemplative attitude of our charism, and we hold our life of prayer to be of the greatest importance to our growth in faith, hope and love.
We enter into the liturgical cycle of the Church year and are nourished by the life and the saving work of our Lord Jesus Christ through liturgical observance. (Constitutions, Articles 45-48)
Without being of the world, we remain attentive to human yearnings and sufferings. We bring the needs of the world to our Lord in our intercessions, lovingly holding all before Him. (Directory D-55c)