Are You Ready and Willing to be Moved by the Holy Spirit?
One hundred and sixty seven years ago, our Foundress, Harriet Brownlow Byron had a vision, a vision of giving her whole being to God. The Holy Spirit guided her to establish a Community which would have elements of both the monastic and active life; whose members would serve not just the economically and materially poor, but those who were poor in body, mind and spirit as well.
To this day, we are a monastic apostolic religious family whose life is centered on Holy Mass, the Divine Office and personal prayer. Our daily prayer life refreshes us and invigorates us as we reach out to those who find us and to those we find. Responding to the call of God’s Will each day entails a personal and communal re-founding of the charism bestowed on us by our Mother Foundress.
As a re-founding Community, which is akin to being a new beginning Community, we are looking for a few good women who have that same desire to give all to God and who do not shrink from challenges. We are looking for a few good women, who will share the vision and help us move forward to refresh our ministries and to grow new ones, to seek and live Community family life, and to meet the needs of those who are given to us, according to His Plan.
We need your help, the help of a few good women if we are to keep the vision alive, if we are to continue His work. Is it possible that you could be one of the few good women we are looking for?
To learn more, read on!
Common sense, sound judgment, reasonable maturity of character and emotional stability are traits which may indicate a vocation to the Religious Life.
(cf. Directory D68)
In discerning one’s vocation a basic indicator is whether one fulfills the requirements for that particular vocation.
The Blessed Virgin Mary is an excellent companion in discernment and she gives us the perfect model of docility to the will of God at the Annunciation in her fiat(“let it be done”). She can teach us how to be trusting, open and generous with God. The Holy Rosary and the recitation of the Angelus are ways of inviting her to be our Mother, our Model, and our Intercessor.
In discerning a vocation to religious life, it is helpful to:
• spend time in prayer
• attend daily Mass as often as possible
• make your Confession regularly
• spend time in silence before Our Lord
• consulting with a spiritual director (advisable). Developing a Rule of Life is also very helpful.
To be considered as a candidate in our community, a woman must fulfill the following requirements:
• Be a Catholic woman and faithful to the Holy Father and the Catholic Church
• Age: 21 or older (upper age is decided on an individual basis)
• At least a High School diploma
• Free from canonical impediments including debts
• Docility to learn and be taught
• Positive disposition and ability to get along with others in community
• Willingness to embrace a life of on-going conversion
• A desire to give oneself totally to God
• Zeal for sharing Christ with others and openness to the Holy Spirit
• Generosity in responding to the call of God
• Compatibility with our charism as it is lived in this Priory
Before admission as a Postulant you would need to submit:
• the application form
• three letters of recommendation, one from a priest who knows you well
• records of baptism and confirmation
• proper reports showing sound physical, mental, and emotional health
• if you have been married and are not a widow, a decree of annulment